Red Sox lot

Red Sox lot

Varitek auto relic 022/199 35$ or obo I’ll lot the last 4 for 12$ plus shipping! Whole lot for 50 !

Series x performance

Has anyone else had their performance tank in the last week or so? My game is basically freezing now during voidwastes when the breath attack happens. Large scale PvP is impossible now. Any settings to turn on to help? What player count snd view distance are y’all using? Game is still very laggy on low / low but it won’t even render in enemies. Thanks

"Trust in God' license plates.

I am newly back to Utah and noticed that people who have these plates tend to be worse drivers. Has anyone else noticed this? I mean, I pointed this out to my mom (who is 75 and still drives like a bat out of ****) and she agreed with me. I even told her, well, they trust in God to like, protect their car, so they can just zoom across 4 lanes of highway at the last second, drive over the gore point because they don't want to miss an exit they forgot. Is it some sort of shield? I am wondering because maybe I need to buy this plate so I can just do whatever I want and come out unblemished.

Start your MLB season early with OOTP 26!

Start your MLB season early with OOTP 26!

Is this a good buy? Caledonia 5.. (see details below)

Caledonia 5.

They’re asking $5,500 - size 54.. Carbon reserve 40/44 wheels, carbon stem, carbon aero bars. Electronic SRAM Rival AXS shifting with two extra batteries.

Please advise! I have a 2021 Caledonia and love it.. ultegra. Looking to upgrade to something like this.

"> Caledonia 5. They’re asking $5,500 - size 54.. Carbon reserve 40/44 wheels, carbon stem, carbon aero bars. Electronic SRAM Rival AXS shifting with two extra batteries. Please advise! I have a 2021 Caledonia and love it.. ultegra. Looking to upgrade to something like this.

psx w: dragon kings crag blade h: lots of runes

Please Dokkan, i beg you for an actually decent way to sort skill orbs

I randomly found out i had a crit +4 and add + 4 golden equip for the Phy 17 and Frieza card and i have actually no idea where it came from, please just let us sort by category and character specific orbs Bonus points if you like, put the character art on the corner like you do on the type specific orbs but for character specific ones, that would help too

Haiii yall, felt cute in this

im gonna delete this but i just wanted to see what u guys think (please dont hurt my feelings) im just excited and have no one to share this with

Help routine Beauty of joseon retinal

Hi, I'm 36 years old and I've started to see fine lines and puffiness under my eyes. I started using 5% granactive retinoid TO a year ago. I feel like it was positive, the skin on my face is generally firmer, but the lines remain. I decided to buy the Beauty of joseon revive eye retinal to use on my entire face. But I've never used a retinol that could damage my skin, so I have some questions. Should I start using Beauty of joseon just once a week? If so, which product do I use on other days? Can I continue using granactive retinoid? Should I apply moisturizer before Beauty of Joseon? Could it be the Cerave basic moisturizer? My routine today is: am SKIN 1004 Centella Probio-Cica Bakuchiol Eye Cream, Matrixyl TO, Mizon Black Snail All In One Cream, FPS pm: granactive retinoid 5%, Matrixyl, rosehip oil TO and if very dry Cerave moisturizer. I live in Texas so my skin is oily in the summer and dry in the winter. No pimples, I don't drink or smoke. I strive to reach 1 liter of water per day. Thank you

Did a really nice peach scented foot mask

Got a nice video of removing the mask and the wash my feet got, and they've already started peeling 🩷🦶

WB Yveltal, inviting 10, start fighting with 4, 1499 3220 7332 (Lvl 50)

1499 3220 7332

Upvote my Bob Ross socks

Is it unreasonable to ask my private practice group to give me a stipend for a physician I am recruiting to the group?

I work in a medium sized group that is growing. I recently had a former college that expressed interest in joining. I connected her with the head of our group. She is thinking of joining. She has not signed anything yet. I read that physician recruiters get between 10-25% of the first year physicians salary as a compensation for finding that physician recruit. Is it unreasonable for me to ask for a commission for finding her? How would I go about this?

I got to meet Shinobus English VA and got my art signed.

I went to Animeverse with my girlfriend and got to meet Shinobus VA. I also got my art piece I made a couple months ago signed.

Start this morning with me.

Start this morning with me.

Please check my warm-up jacket for me.

This one has a sign that says: made in Thailand RN#56323 CA#05553 RFC#NME920220 KL4

Season 5 is tragic for Kim

I'm about halfway through the season, just passed the poker party from hell but before the infamous Amsterdam incident. Kyle has just warned Kim about being friends with Brandi, and Brandi has just proved Kyle right by going to Lisa Rinna behind Kin's back and heavily suggesting in Brandi's unsubtle but plausibly deniable way that Kim is incapable of staying sober, which begin's Lisa Rinna's bizarre crusade to host an intervention. But it's tragic to watch this seeing how clear-headed and cognisant Kim is early in the season. I don't know if it was just one pain pill Kim took (considering it was from a cancer patient, it could've been an Oxy or something, enough to send you loopy) but it's clear the stress of her life at that time was taking its toll, and no doubt that speculation and questioning that then surrounded her in her narrative took a toll too. Kyle's never handles Kim's lapses in sobriety well, but throughout I get the sense that's she's trying not to, in the moment, speculate or call attention to it, she's just often overcome by her own need to save face, calling attention to her own embarrassment when their conversations became heated. Brandi meanwhile doesn't seem to actually care at all, and frankly I think she was just happy to hang around with someone that had the potential to be more sloppy than her. Lisa Rinna's backhanded mission is the most nasty of all, seeming to think she can exile someone into sobriety. Considering Kim seems still off the wagon, it's tragic to have this glimpse of her healthy, after the S4 reunion where she spoke so candidly of the times and memories she missed to her addiction. She really would've been better off leaving the show then it seems.

Variación de cotización. CCL: 1.221,91 (+0,93%).

Looking for a place to host a pool party

Hello guys. I'm looking for a place where I can host a lowkey pool party for like 20-25 friends of mine. Looking for a place where we can just chill out in the pool with beer and snacks along with some medium-loud music. Is there such a place in Bhubaneswar where we can go do the above? And if there is such a place out there, do they allow BYOB ? Or if someone can rent out their backyard pool for a few hours, that also works..

byta på unga? 08 09 10?

USAAF 14th PRS Spitfire PR Mk XI gunned down at point blank range likely by a Luftwaffe Me 262 jet fighter in 1944

Theme team update- Wild

Hi all, as the 4 Nations event wraps up today, I wanted to share my Wild theme team update (got lucky with some cards during this event).

Any other upgrades recommended?

"> Hi all, as the 4 Nations event wraps up today, I wanted to share my Wild theme team update (got lucky with some cards during this event). Any other upgrades recommended?

The definitive lazy purple scout headshot clip previously mentioned in my last post

Kevin Dewayne Hughes is the best educational livestreamer!

Question for VA employees -system outages

Just curious if local or widespread. Had total system outages repeatedly yesterday and today. With all the screwing with systems going on, wondering if it’s just local or widespread

Can an active component terminate your contract back to reserves if you have a medical condition?

I am stationed in a location where I do not have military medical around, but see civilian providers. My condition holds me back from even getting into a vehicle for long periods of time. My superiors are now threatening me with contract termination if I don't see a military medical provider, even though I have civilian documentations and medication. What are the lines that they can cross over this?

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